The Self-Guided Study Resources for Certification Exam Prep section contains general resources, including information to help you prepare for the Student Affairs Educator Certification Exam, with a focus on the experience of taking an online exam with a remote proctor. Click the CONTENTS tab to get started with an exam study guide, learn about the testing experience, and access seminal student affairs documents that will provide a key foundation for your exam preparation.
Click BACK TO PACKAGE to return to the home page, where you can continue your preparation process by diving deeper into self-guided study resources for each of the eight domains of Student Affairs Educator Certification:
Foundations of the Profession
Student Learning, Development, and Success
Assessment and Evaluation
Social Justice and Inclusion
Talent management
Crisis and Risk Management
Financial and Facility Management
These categories form the basis of the exam questions, and becoming familiar with each one will be an important part of your preparation process.
About Student Affairs Educator Certification
The Certified Student Affairs Educator (CSAEd) is the core certification credential and intended for mid-level student affairs educators and above. The CSAEd designation signifies continuous learning, knowledge, and competency in the eight Student Affairs Educator Certification Domains. This credential is for eligible student affairs educators regardless of functional area or institution type. The CSAEd credential is a foundation and required prerequisite for all specialty area credentials. Development was led by NASPA in partnership with Certification Consortium member association subject matter experts.
This self-guided exam preparation resource is designed to help you prepare for the Student Affairs Educator Certification Exam and earn the CSAEd credential. After passing the exam, you may elect to pursue an additional specialty credential in Campus Activities, Campus Housing and Residential Life, Campus Recreation, College Unions, Fraternity and Sorority Life, or Student Conduct Administration. Note that every certification requires ongoing continuing education in order to main your credential - however, you only have to take the exam once.