Reimagine Career Development: Developing Inclusive Career Development Programming and Resources For Students

Reimagine Career Development: Developing Inclusive Career Development Programming and Resources For Students

  • Registration Closed

Given the growing, diverse student population at institutions across the country, many institutions have developed diversity-related initiatives. Even though the work may begin at the senior leadership level, how can university career centers contribute to the institution’s DEI goal? In this session, the presenter will 1) discuss how career development professionals can incorporate DEI within programs, coaching, and resources and 2) share best sustainable practices used at UNC-Chapel Hill, Kenan-Flagler Business School’s Career Center.

Learning Outcomes:
  1. Develop a better understanding of the role that career professionals can play in meeting the needs of a diverse student population.
  2. Develop career development programming and resources to increase student engagement with career centers.
  3. Identify key partners on campus to support their programs, coaching and resources to best support their students.

Catherine Okafor

Assistant Director, Career Development & Employer Relations

UNC Chapel Hill, Kenan-Flagler Business School

Continuing Education Credits

This session counts for 1.0 CSAEd-CORE credit 

To receive CSAEd credit, attendees must complete the feedback survey that offers the certification in each session. Once you have attended all the live sessions or watched the on-demand sessions for which you would like to request credit, visit the Continuing Education (CE) website to fill out the Student Affairs Education Certification Request Form for all the sessions. 

All certificants must fill out one for the live session and a separate one for the on-demand sessions. 

Visit the Continued Education (CE) website to learn more regarding deadlines and receive your certificate of completion for the Virtual Conference.



Conference Session
04/05/2024 at 1:30 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 04/15/2024  |  50 minutes
04/05/2024 at 1:30 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 04/15/2024  |  50 minutes Use the link to join the Virtual Conference Session. All session links will be available ten minutes before the scheduled session. All sessions will be using Zoom; to ensure the best quality session, it is recommended to download the Zoom app on your device.
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. Use this facilitation worksheet as a tool for you and your colleagues to engage in discussion and professional development around this session. The worksheet provides a space for action items and team discussion.
CSAEd CORE Feedback Survey
9 Questions
9 Questions This survey is to receive credit for the CORE category only for this session. Some sessions might have multiple categories offered for credit. All categories offered for each session are described in the "Credit Information." If the session offers more than 1 category, there will be a separate survey and certificate.