NASPA Online Learning Community

Survey Says: Student Perspectives on the Impact of Hazing Prevention Programs and Policies

Survey Says: Student Perspectives on the Impact of Hazing Prevention Programs and Policies

Includes a Live Web Event on 04/10/2025 at 1:30 PM (EDT)

Hazing prevention efforts have various goals, and Fraternity and Sorority Life professionals must assess their programs and policies to ensure they are appropriate for their students and institutions. In this session, Piazza Center researchers will share What Works Study survey findings from 2000 students about how different hazing prevention efforts impact collegiate members. They will also offer recommendations and guidance for developing and implementing hazing prevention policies and programs. 

Learning Outcomes 

1. Articulate student awareness of chapter and campus hazing prevention programs and policies. 

2. Identify how different types of hazing prevention programs and policies impact students’ attitudes and behaviors toward hazing. 

3. Explore ideas for improving existing programs and policies or developing new prevention strategies for their campus or organization.

Kimberly Davis

Data Analyst

Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus

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