Transforming Virtual Engagement to Increase Student Involvement on College Campuses

Transforming Virtual Engagement to Increase Student Involvement on College Campuses

  • Registration Closed

The pandemic changed the way universities navigate student engagement. As a new generation of students starts their college experience, learn from a university that shifted traditional resources to create an inaugural position dedicated to virtual engagement and how it changed the landscape of student involvement with staff and support services. This strategy, grounded in diversity, equity, and inclusion, elevated reciprocal campus partnerships that made data-informed decisions for student success.

Learning Outcomes:
  1. Learn virtual engagement strategies focused on student services and experience while using a DEI framework. 
  2. Explore best practices for creating student-focused content. Identify ways to measure student success.

Lauren Cox

Virtual Engagement Project Coordinator

University, San Francisco California / Student Life

Continuing Education Credits

This session counts for 1.0 CSAEd-CORE credit 

NASPA has been approved by the Higher Education Consortium for Student Affairs Certification to provide CE credit for Certified Student Affairs Educators (CSAEd). NASPA is solely responsible for all aspects of this program.

Guidelines for earning CE credit: 

No partial credit will be rewarded. 

Credit is available for attending the live session or viewing the on-demand recording, not both. While on-demand is available to registrants for 365 days, CSAEd credits and certificates must be retrieved no longer than 60 days after the event (June 7, 2024). 

To receive CSAEd credit, attendees must complete the feedback survey that offers the certification in each session. Once you have attended all the live sessions or watched the on-demand sessions for which you would like to request credit, visit the Continuing Education (CE) website to fill out the Student Affairs Education Certification Request Form for all the sessions. All certificants must fill out one for the live session and a separate one for the on-demand sessions. 
Visit the Continued Education (CE) website to learn more regarding deadlines and receive your certificate of completion for the Virtual Conference.



Conference Session
04/04/2024 at 1:30 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 04/12/2024
04/04/2024 at 1:30 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 04/12/2024 Use the link to join the Virtual Conference Session. All session links will be available ten minutes before the scheduled session. All sessions will be using Zoom; to ensure the best quality session, it is recommended to download the Zoom app on your device.
Facilitation Worksheet
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. Use this facilitation worksheet as a tool for you and your colleagues to engage in discussion and professional development around this session. The worksheet provides a space for action items and team discussion.
CSAEd CORE Feedback Survey
9 Questions
9 Questions This survey is to receive credit for the CORE category only for this session. Some sessions might have multiple categories offered for credit. All categories offered for each session are described in the "Credit Information." If the session offers more than 1 category, there will be a separate survey and certificate.
Presentation Slides
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource.