NASPA Online Learning Community

When the Data Hits the Fan: Handling Unexpected Assessment Results

When the Data Hits the Fan: Handling Unexpected Assessment Results

Includes a Live Web Event on 04/09/2025 at 4:30 PM (EDT)

Ever had assessment results that made you question everything? You are not alone. This session features a panel of experts with extensive campus experience who will share real-world examples of surprising data that required thoughtful interpretation and strategic communication, although we all change a few specifics to protect the innocent. Attendees will learn practical skills so the next time you encounter unexpected results, you'll be prepared to act without the usual panic. 

Learning Outcomes 

1. Describe the challenges presented by unanticipated data results 

2. Summarize six strategies for managing unexpected data results 

3. Evaluate ways to practically apply these strategies in various settings and contexts

Tiffany Conde

Associate Director of Residence Life & Education

University of Central Florida

Matthew Venaas

Senior Research Manager

Benchworks by Elentra

Continuing Education Credits

This session counts for 1.0 CSAEd-CORE credit 

NASPA has been approved by the Higher Education Consortium for Student Affairs Certification to provide CE credit for Certified Student Affairs Educators (CSAEd). NASPA is solely responsible for all aspects of this program.

Guidelines for earning CE credit: 

No partial credit will be rewarded. 

Participants must also complete the feedback survey in the Online Learning Community.

1 Credit is available for attending the live session or viewing the on-demand recording. 

To receive CSAEd credit, attendees must complete the feedback survey that offers the certification in each session. Once you have attended all the live sessions or watched the on-demand sessions for which you would like to request credit, visit the Continuing Education (CE) website to fill out the Student Affairs Education Certification Request Form for all the sessions. All certificants must fill out one for the live session and a separate one for the on-demand sessions. Visit the Continued Education (CE) website to learn more regarding deadlines and receive your certificate of completion for the Virtual Conference.

Components visible upon registration.