NASPA Online Learning Community

NASPA Peer Education Advisors Faculty: Inclusive Programming

  • Registration Closed

How do we make our program(s) welcoming and provide a sense of belonging to all students? On June 18th at 3pm EST we will explore strategies for inclusive programming. This will include how to inclusively recruit, retain, and train a peer education group, and ideas on how to incorporate inclusive practices into workshops, office hours, and other outreach opportunities. This session will be a great opportunity to fine tune and incorporate inclusive ideas and actions for the fall. 

The Peer Education Faculty will host a PowerPoint presentation and then participants will break into smaller groups to share thoughts and ideas. Below are the processing questions we have for the day.

  1. Name up to three things that you learned in today’s session 
  2. Name up to two things that you plan to apply from today’s session 
  3. What is one question that you still have or something that you are still curious about from today’s session * 

*will be shared in the large group via chat

Facilitated By NASPA Peer Education Faculty Members

  • Alic Czachowski, EdD, MPH, Sr. Executive Director of Alice! Health Promotion, Columbia University
  • Joleen Nevers, MAEd, CHES, CSE, CSES, Program Director For Regional Campus Wellness, Uconn
  • La' Tesha Hinton, MSPH, CHES, Director of Strategic Initiatives Tulane University

Alic Czachowski, EdD, MPH

Sr. Executive Director of Alice! Health Promotion

Columbia University

Alicia K. Czachowski is the Senior Executive Director of Alice! Health Promotion and Columbia University. Previous work includes roles at Tulane University, Northern Illinois University, and Hunter College.  Alicia holds a EdD in Adult and Higher Education, with a concentration in Student Affairs from Northern Illinois University and a Master's in Public Health from Temple University. Their areas of concentration have included substance use and recovery, assessment and evaluation, stress management and how to help a friend in distress, and restorative practices. They have been working with peer educators as an advisor for more than 15 years. In their free time they enjoy spending their free time with family and friends, their dog, traveling, indulging in anything Star Wars or Doctor Who related, and going to Broadway shows.

Joleen M. Nevers, MAEd, CHES, CSE, CSES

Program Director for Regional Campus Wellness Services

University of Connecticut

Joleen M. Nevers has been working in college health for over 20 years at the University of Connecticut. In addition to working in various roles at UConn, Joleen has served both the New England College Health Association and ACHA in many capacities throughout her career. At NECHA, she has served on the Board of Directors as a member-at-large, vice president, president, and past president, and on the Program Planning Committee. For ACHA, Joleen has served as program planner for the Health Promotion Section (twice), as the chair of the Ethics Committee, the secretary for Sexual Health Coalition, Region V representative to the Board of Directors, member-at-large for the Health Promotion Section, member of the Racial Marginalization and Health Inequities Task Force, and on several committees for the Health Promotion Section. She has worked on revising and editing documents for the association, including for the Health Promotion Section’s standards of practice and hiring guidelines and ACHA’s General Statement of Ethical Principles and Guidelines. Joleen has consistently presented at both ACHA and NECHA for over a decade. She has been committed to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in her career and has been working with colleagues to offer presentations, reflections spaces, and white accountability groups for the association.

La' Tesha Hinton, MSPH, CHES

Director of Strategic Initiatives, Campus Health

Tulane University

La' Tesha is the Director of Strategic Initiatives for Campus Health and a Certified Health Education Specialist. On a daily basis, she interacts and connects one-on-one with students (and their families) to discuss various health topics to support their academic success and enhance their ability to optimally thrive at Tulane. La' Tesha completed her undergraduate degree in Chemistry with a minor in Biology at Xavier University of Louisiana. She received her Master of Science in Public Health degree in Tropical Medicine concentrating in Parasitology from Tulane University's School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. She had the opportunity to work as a graduate assistant at The Well when she attended Tulane and that's when she fell in love with college health promotion.


Webinar Access
06/18/2024 at 3:00 PM (EDT)  |  90 minutes
06/18/2024 at 3:00 PM (EDT)  |  90 minutes