NASPA Online Learning Community

Title IX Certificate Program: Informal Resolution

Includes a Live Web Event on 04/29/2025 at 1:00 PM (EDT)

April 21 - May 2, 2025

Title IX regulations require training for Title IX coordinators, investigators, and decision-makers. Campuses are already implementing a wide variety of informal processes and it is vital that institutions provide proper training to use informal systems in Title IX matters.

This 8-hour training includes three asynchronous video modules and one 4-hour live synchronous session where participants will participate in informal resolution practice sessions with realistic scenarios to develop core informal resolution skills. Attendance during the live session is mandatory for completion. 

Some questions that this training considers include:

  • How should campuses ensure fair processes for both parties when utilizing informal resolution in Title IX cases? 
  • Who should be responsible for conducting informal resolution options, and what skills do these personnel need? 
  • What options do institutions have to deliver informal resolution? 
  • What are the potential benefits and challenges of different forms of informal resolution? 
  • What are the promising practices and practices to avoid? 

Join Peter Lake and Kristine Goodwin to explore these and other issues related to conducting informal resolution in Title IX cases. Peter Lake is a higher education law and policy expert and past professor of alternative dispute resolution. Kristine Goodwin is a former higher education administrator and trained mediator to explore these and other issues. This eight-hour training includes three asynchronous video modules and one four-hour live required synchronous session. Participants will participate in informal resolution practice sessions with realistic scenarios to develop core informal resolution skills. 

Live Session

The live session for the course is mandatory for completion. Since this session is interactive with case studies and live sessions, the session will NOT be recorded. 

Aprl 29, 2025: 1:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m.


Technical Issues:

This course includes one live virtual session on 04/29/25 from 1:00-5:00 p.m. (EDT).

Accessing Live Sessions: Please go to the Contents tab within the course on the date and time of the live session. Navigate to the section for the live virtual session. The link will be available approximately five minutes before the start of the live session. Registrants must attend the full live session to be eligible to receive the course certificate of completion. This Live Session will NOT be recorded due to interaction and content sharing. 

Handouts: Any live session handouts are available in this section to download. Handouts correspond directly to live sessions.

This content will not be available until 04/19/2025 at 3:32 PM (EDT)