NASPA Online Learning Community

FirstGen Forward

FirstGen Forward, formerly the Center for First-generation Student Success, partners with higher education, philanthropy, business, the public sector, and others to catalyze first-generation student success in education, career, and life.


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Decoding the Academy: Key Supports for First-generation Graduate Students
Drawing on data and practice, this webinar will contextualize the unique challenges and triumphs faced by first-generation graduate/professional students (FGGS) navigating graduate school. We offer key questions and recommendations toward fostering a more inclusive and supportive academic environment for FGGS, and guidance for crafting actionable institutional policies, practices and pedagogy that contribute to their success.
Sexual Violence On College Campuses: Supporting First-Gen Student Survivors
Despite efforts to create safer campuses, rates of sexual violence remain consistent. First-generation college students are 1.3 times more likely to experience such incidents and are less likely to report them due to unique challenges. Join NASPA’s Culture of Respect Collective to learn trauma-informed best practices and enhance support and prevention initiatives for first-generation student survivors.
Using the Placement Process to Build More Equitable, Student-centered Colleges
Colleges continue to shift how they place students into entry-level courses. Based on findings from a national study of 15 broad-access institutions, this webinar will share new innovations in placement practices as well as strategies to use placement reform to spur larger, equity-forward institutional transformation.
Exploring the Ways Jargon Influences Access & Success for First-gen Students
This session will help participants recognize how higher education jargon and acronyms can create barriers for first-generation college students and families and provide strategies for recalibrating communication.
Partnering with Parents and Families of First-generation College Students
The event provides participants with strategies for identifying and engaging with parents and families of first-generation students and shares approaches to implement at your institution.
Understanding Black First-gen Men
As higher education seeks to increase the support for and graduation rates of Black college men, understanding the intersection of the first-gen identity provides a lens through which we can enrich our approach and support their academic pursuits.
Supporting Pathways for First-generation Students to Study Abroad
First-generation college students represent a growing segment of the U.S. higher education population and a group consistently underrepresented in study abroad programming. Presenters will share successful strategies for engaging with first-generation students and promising practices for increasing their participation in study abroad.
Building Fundraising Opportunities for First-gen Student Success
Presenters will share strategies for building a dynamic relationship with your University Advancement team and developing your own skills as a compelling fundraiser.
Proactively Supporting First-gen Mental Health: CSUDH Case Study
Presenters will share a case study examining how California State University, Dominguez Hills successfully implemented a proactive mental and emotional wellness curriculum to support first-generation students' mental health. Participants will participate in experiential exercises from the fields of positive psychology, mindfulness, and self-compassion.
Demystifying Institutional Data to Drive First-generation Student Success
Presenters from the Center for First-generation Student Success will identify key data sources and metrics that institutions should consider as they leverage data to inform decision-making and advance first-generation student success.
Developing and Implementing Programs for First-generation College Students
This session will offer participants an opportunity to engage in a discussion on the development and implementation of first-generation student programming. Discussing key themes identified in the book, Developing and Implementing Promising Practices and Programs for First-Generation College Students (Troy et al., 2022), presenters will provide insight into key strategies to develop and implement programs and practices for first-generation students.
Narratives and Assets: Enhancing Knowledge and Skills in Working with First-gen
Students who seek mental health services on campus show improvement in personal, professional, and social functioning. While most first-generation college students (FGCS) experience increased stress, they are less likely to seek services. This live briefing will highlight current practices, needs, and recommendations for clinicians and professionals working with FGCS.