Certified Peer Educator (CPE) Train-the-Trainer
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- Non-member - $845
- Member - $645
Contains 77 Component(s)
The CPE Train-the-Trainer course prepares Professional Staff to facilitate NASPA's Certified Peer Educator (CPE) Training Program on their campus with their students. This course certifies you to teach the CPE curriculum and certify your students as Certified Peer Educators.
Contains 10 Component(s)
The CPE Trainer Resource Hub is where you will find all of the training materials needed to facilitate the Certified Peer Educator training for your students.
Welcome to the CPE Trainers Group!
This is the course where you will find all of your training materials to present to your students for the Certified Peer Educator Program.
Some of this content looks new!
We updated some of the CPE content in January 2021 and are now hosting it on our new Online Learning Community! Please take a look at the training materials, question hours, and FAQs in the Resources page to bring yourself up to speed.
Where are the training materials?
The training materials are in the form of a Powerpoint slide deck you can download from the Handouts tab. Please note that the file is large, so give yourself plenty of time to download it before your training. Also note that the file is NOT editable, and you should not share the file with anybody who is not a CPE trainer (remember, CPE is a copyrighted program).
When you download the Powerpoint file and open it, you will be prompted to enter a password. Simply click "Read Only" to open the slides. Again, you will not be able to edit or make any changes to the slides.
Can I record my CPE instruction to post online for students to view later?
No, the CPE training must be facilitated live. During the COVID-19 pandemic we allowed trainers to conduct live (synchronous) CPE trainings with their students via screen share or meeting application, such as Zoom, GoToMeeting, or similar software that your institution is using to conduct online classes. If you are looking for an online, asynchronous training for your students, learn about the CPE Cohort by clicking here.
I have other questions, help!
The best and quickest way to get in touch with the CPE team is by emailing cpe@naspa.org. We are happy to assist in any way possible!