NASPA Online Learning Community

International Student Success and Support

  • Registration Closed

Cory Owen

Acting Dean of Students

Yale-NUS College

Dr. Cory Owen has been working in higher education for almost twenty years, where she started her career in international education.  She has worked at numerous institutions across the US and is incredibly passionate about advocating for the mental health needs of international students.  She is currently serving as the Acting Dean of Students at Yale-NUS College, located in Singapore, with an international student population of 40%.

Ken Guan, Ed.D.

Director of Student Engagement

Fuller Theological Seminary

Dr. Ken Guan is an experienced professional in higher education and student affairs administration with over 16 years of experience. He has worked in diverse functioning areas in student affairs and education technology on various college environments, including both east and west coasts, the midwest, southwest, and the Big Island of Hawaii. He studied higher education and student affairs, and institutional research, during his doctoral studies at Indiana University Bloomington.

Dr. Guan's research focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of efforts to connect international students with campus communities, both online and in person. As a co-leader of the International Education Knowledge Community for the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, he plays a key role in promoting knowledge sharing and best practices among student affairs professionals worldwide.

In addition to his leadership role, Dr. Guan is a sought-after public speaker who has shared his expertise at national conferences and events. He has collaborated with governmental organizations, professional associations, and college campuses to enhance student services and support. Some of his interest topics include student mental health, creating a culturally engaging campus environment, and integrating international students for the benefit of all students. In recognition of his contributions to the international community, Dr. Guan was honored with the 2018 American College Personnel Association Commission Award.

This course will give a broad overview of how student affairs professionals can best support international students and their unique needs.  Topics will include partnerships across campus, such as with the international student services office, disability support office, health and wellness, academic affairs, and departments under student affairs.  Participants will learn about student affairs research and see pragmatic examples of how they can implement best practices on their campuses.

This course highlights the timely landscape of international students' well-being, needs, interests, and ways to contribute to the campus community. The faculty members with extensive experience will bring topic experts to share best practices in supporting international students in social and academic areas so that they may thrive, be engaged, and be integrated. As a result, all campus community members would benefit from having international students. 

Learning Outcomes
  • Participants will learn how to tailor student affairs best practices to support international students on their campuses.
  • Participants will gain valuable insights into practical tools and resources to enhance the support provided to international students. 
  • Participants will brainstorm ways to build connections across different departments to provide a holistic approach toward supporting international students.
  • Participants will gain an understanding of frameworks and theories behind the practices of supporting international students academically and socially. 


Cory Owen, Ed.D.

Acting Dean of Students; Yale-NUS College

Ken Guan, Ed.D.
Director of Student Engagement | Global Recruitment, Admissions, Marketing, and Retention (GRAMAR)

Topic areas:

History of International student support

Administration and Leadership

Academic Success

International Student Engagement (peer mentors, advisory board, campus activities, etc.)

Mental Health and Counseling


Global Practices of International Student Engagement

Components visible upon registration.