Preventing Unintended Pregnancy: What’s Possible, Good, Better, & Best with Emergency Contraception
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Unintended pregnancy can significantly impact a college student’s academic performance and overall well-being. Emergency Contraception (EC) is one of several effective preventive options that can help students avoid unintended pregnancies. However, institutional support for students in preventing unintended pregnancies varies greatly, influenced by factors like institutional type, student demographics, geographic location, and specific circumstances. This session will explore how higher education professionals from diverse fields can incorporate EC into their support strategies for students.
Learning Outcomes:
- Participants will be able to articulate the relationship between unintended pregnancy and student’s academic outcomes and well-being.
- Participants will be able to describe how EC works as part of a comprehensive unintended pregnancy prevention program.
- Participants will be able to compare EC access interventions across different contexts and programmatic areas.
Claudia Trevor-Wright, JD, MA, MCHES
Project Director, Connect for Success Initiative
American Society for Emergency Contraception
Claudia Trevor-Wright, JD, MA, MCHES, is an attorney and health promotion professional focused on advancing health equity in higher education. Claudia is currently leading a project funded by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research Connect for Success Initiative and consulting for the American College Health Association (ACHA). Prior to these roles, Claudia led the Campus COVID-19 Vaccination and Mitigation Initiative at ACHA, and served as Director of Student Wellness at Wellesley College.
Connect with Claudia on LinkedIn
Guidelines for earning CSAEd credit:
1 CSAEd Core CE will be awarded for completing this course. Completion includes attending the session and completing the Feedback Survey.
No partial credit will be awarded; full completion is required.
Participants must also complete the feedback survey in the Online Learning Community.
To receive CSAEd credit, attendees must complete the Feedback Survey in the online event offering the certification. Once the survey is completed, your Certificate will be available in the event modules. The Certificate of Completion, which will show the event and credit earnings, is available for download and/or print from the event in your Online Learning Community.
NASPA has been approved by the Higher Education Consortium for Student Affairs Certification to provide CE credit for Certified Student Affairs Educators (CSAEd). NASPA is solely responsible for all aspects of this program.