The Spectrum of Hazing: How the Research Informs Our Practice
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The Spectrum of Hazing was developed by StopHazing researchers as both a visual and a hazing prevention tool to depict the inverse relationship between recognition and frequency of hazing behaviors. Hazing behaviors are provisionally categorized as “intimidation,” “harassment,” and “violent” hazing and these are associated with frequency and recognition of the behavior. The presenters will share about the research basis and development of the Spectrum, predictive data about students experiencing hazing, how the Spectrum is used as a framework for ongoing research projects, and ways to use the Spectrum as a hazing prevention tool to help students and other stakeholders understand and identify normalized, frequently occurring forms of hazing.
Learning Outcomes:
- Gain familiarity with the topic of hazing and its prevention.
- Become familiar with the Spectrum of Hazing and its research basis.
- Learn how to use the Spectrum of Hazing in campus hazing prevention initiatives.

Elizabeth J. Allan
Elizabeth J. Allan, Ph.D., is Professor and Program Coordinator of Higher Education at the University of Maine and Director of StopHazing. Dr. Allan was the Principal Investigator for the National Study of Student Hazing (2008) and is currently directing the national Hazing Prevention Consortium (2012 – present) – a collaborative research-to-practice initiative of universities working to shift campus culture and build an evidence base for hazing prevention. An experienced researcher, Allan’s scholarship focuses on campus cultures and climates, including studies about campus diversity, equity, student engagement, and hazing in the context of higher education. She has authored three books and more than 30 research-based articles. Her award-winning scholarship has been featured in premiere journals including the Harvard Educational Review, The Journal of Higher Education, The Review of Higher Education, Innovative Higher Education,The International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, Qualitative Studies in Education, and the Journal of Interpersonal Violence

Megan DeShon-Runge
Hazing Database and Outreach Coordinator
Megan DeShon-Runge is the Hazing Database and Outreach Coordinator for StopHazing. In this role, Megan supports the development and sustainability of HazingInfo.org, a database dedicated to creating transparency about hazing incidents. She also develops resources and training and leads communications and outreach efforts regarding the database. Megan graduated from the University of Missouri with a B.A. in Psychology in 2009 and has since been working in Higher Education. Over the course of her career, Megan has held roles in Residential Life, Athletics, Student Engagement, and Fraternity & Sorority Life giving her vast experiences that influence the multi-faceted lens through which she views hazing prevention.

Devin Franklin
Doctoral Research Fellow
Devin Franklin, M.Ed. is the Doctoral Research Fellow for StopHazing and a Ph.D. student at the University of Maine. She engages in hazing prevention research, aids in resource development, and facilitates leadership development trainings. Devin earned her B.S. in Finance from the University of Alabama in 2021 and her M.Ed. in Student Development in Higher Education from the University of Maine in 2023. She served as a Research-to-Practice intern for StopHazing prior to transitioning to her current role. Devin continues to advocate for evidence-based hazing prevention, ethical leadership development, and the creation of more inclusive campus communities

Meredith Stewart
Operations Manager
Meredith Stewart, M.Ed., is the Operations Manager for StopHazing. In this role, she works to support StopHazing’s mission by cultivating partnerships with professional organizations, scholars, practitioners, policy advocates, and others committed to violence prevention. She oversees and manages StopHazing’s operations including programs and trainings, the expansion of StopHazing’s data-driven resources and trainings for hazing prevention; policy-related initiatives, and other activities of the Hazing Prevention Consortium (HPC), a signature research-to-practice project led by StopHazing. Meredith completed her B.S. degree in Secondary Education from the University of Maine, and later also completed her M.Ed. in Student Development in Higher Education from the University of Maine. During her graduate studies, she interned for StopHazing as a Research Assistant and upon graduation transitioned to a full-time role.
Guidelines for earning CE credit:
1 CSAEd Core, 1 CSAEd-FSL, or 1 CSAEd-SC CEs are awarded for completing this course. Completion includes watching the on-demand recording and completing the Feedback Survey.
No partial credit will be awarded; full completion is required.
To receive CSAEd credit, attendees must complete the Feedback Survey in the online event offering the certification. Once the survey is completed, your Certificate will be available in the event modules. The Certificate of Completion, which will show the event and credit earnings, is available for download and/or print from the event in your Online Learning Community.
NASPA has been approved by the Higher Education Consortium for Student Affairs Certification to provide CE credit for Certified Student Affairs Educators (CSAEd). NASPA is solely responsible for all aspects of this program.