Virtual Learning and Engagement Sponsorship Opportunties
Online Learning Community Sponsor
With over 30,000 unique page views monthly, the Online Learning Community has the opportunity to showcase your product and organization in multiple ways.
VLE Partnership Sponsor: $2500
Send in a video demo and introduction to post on our sponsorship page. The sponsorship page will include videos, names, and links to all organizations. $2500
- Sponsor logo with a clickable link on the sponsorship page.
- Video to highlight your product or business.
- The sponsorship page is sent out through all virtual learning communication channels in the online learning community.
Visionary Sponsor: $15,000
One is available every three months.
- Opportunity to play a 30-second promotional video before the keynote speaker begins
- Branding recognition on the home page of the Online Learning Community with embedded video
- Recognize the Online Learning Community sponsor through social media and virtual learning communication.
- Opportunity to conduct a 50-minute live webinar (preferred with an institutional partner)
- Company logo is included on the first page of the presentation slide deck.
- Play a 30-second promotional video at the beginning of the webinar
- Clickable photo to company website on the OLC homepage or webinar page
- Sponsor demo video/promotional video in the LMS product with the webinar. This would be a different module or under the “sponsors” tab.
Short Course Sponsorships
Short courses are a 4-6 week asynchronous and synchronous experience where registrants go through modules, discussions, and resources to provide quality continued education around specific topic areas that support the professional development of student affairs and higher education professionals.
Short Course Sponsor: $10,000
- Logo on short course Online Learning Community product and email for those who register. Emails go out weekly to anyone registered for the course.
- Logo and sponsorship information are at the bottom of our marketing campaign and going out to all members.
- Video demo for upload into LMS
- Live session demo and Q&A during the short course duration—time for demo scheduled after sponsorship agreement is complete.
Live and On-demand Webinar Sponsorships
Hosted Webinar Sponsor: $7500
Host a webinar with an institutional partner that is live and available on-demand for 365 days.
- Allows product demonstrations and data sharing if the institutional partner uses the product.
- Email to registrants with sponsorship information
- Upload live demo/video with Q&A to the LMS product (the webinar) for additional viewing and access.
You can learn more about Live Webinars here.
Participant Webinar Sponsor: $5500
Sponsor a webinar or webinar series that allows for reduced or no price for attendees. Sponsors can promote the product or item in the first three to five minutes.
The benefit of this is that we will get more registrations if the cost is reduced or free. Depending on the content, we have gotten up to 280 registrations for free webinars. Everyone registered will get an email with sponsor information and their on-demand notice.
- Supports over 60 NASPA members to attend the webinar at no cost. Non-members will still pay the non-member price.
- Sponsored Webinar Series: $10,000 (three to four webinars in a series).
- Three minutes on each webinar and a video/demo for the LMS system. This video will be accessible to registrants for 365 days.
- Organization information, video demo, and additional resources in the webinar series.
Series Webinar Sponsor: $10,000
Sponsored Webinar Series: $10,000 (three to four webinars in a series; sponsor has three minutes on each webinar and a webinar video/demo for the LMS system. This video will be accessible to registrants for 365 days.
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