Level Up! Certification Exam Prep Moderated Study
- Registration Closed
About the Program
Become a Certified Student Affairs Educator by joining a group of your peers in the Level Up! Certification Exam Prep Moderated Study Program! This new cohort-based exam prep program for the Certified Student Affairs Educator (CSAEd) core credential includes twelve live, moderated study sessions that cover the testing experience, exam content, recommendations for preparation, and sample questions.
Through this six-month enhanced exam prep program, you will connect with other prospective certificants, learn from colleagues who have taken and passed the exam, and explore a library of self-paced exam prep resources to brush up on your student affairs knowledge and skills leading up to the exam in the fall.
Fall Exam Prep Cohort: June 12-November 13, 2024
Exam Period: November 18-December 31, 2024
The Level Up! Certification Exam Prep Moderated Study program is a MEMBER-ONLY RESOURCE available at a rate of $75 for members of ACUHO-I, ACUI, AFA, ASCA, NACA, NASPA, and NIRSA. Participants will need to create a free NASPA account and complete a short registration form in order to access the program, which is hosted in the NASPA Online Learning Community.
Program Content
Live Study Sessions
Not ready to commit to all twelve study sessions? Register separately for the first two sessions (Get Ready to Get Certified! and The Testing Experience) for free before you decide!
Live study sessions will be held every other week at 3:00pm Eastern Time. Sessions are facilitated by members of the Student Affairs Educator Certification NASPA Advisory Group and cover the following topics:
- June 12: Core Certification Exam Prep: Get Ready to Get Certified!
- June 26: Core Certification Exam Prep: The Testing Experience
- July 10: Foundations of the Profession
- July 24: Student Learning, Development, and Success
- August 7: Assessment and Evaluation
- August 21: Social Justice and Inclusion
- September 4: Leadership
- September 18: Talent Management
- October 2: Crisis and Risk Management
- October 16: Financial and Facility Management
- October 30: Final study session #1
- November 13: Final study session #2
Sessions will be held in Zoom with opportunities for Q&A and breakout discussions with your fellow cohort members and members of the Student Affairs Educator Certification NASPA Advisory Group. The content presentation portion of each session will also be recorded for on-demand viewing.
Discussion Boards
In addition to the live sessions, you will have access to a discussion board where you can post questions and share resources and study tips outside of the live sessions.
Self-paced Resources
Level Up! Certification Exam Prep Moderated Study also includes access to a library of self-guided exam prep resources. This hub of resources includes study guides, exam information, recommended reading lists, on-demand webinars, past conference presentations and activities, and historical student affairs documents.
Ready to Get Certified?
Live sessions will begin on June 12 at 3:00pm Eastern Time. Access to the self-paced resource library will open on June 3.
Questions? For technical assistance, please reach out to us at virtuallearning@naspa.org. For content-based questions, please email bsupple@naspa.org.
Contains 11 Component(s)
The Certified Student Affairs Educator (CSAEd) is the core credential and intended for mid-level student affairs educators and above. The CSAEd designation signifies continuous learning, knowledge, and competency in eight domain areas of Student Affairs Educator Certification. This component contains materials to help you prepare for exam questions under each of the eight domains, as well as information that will help you prepare to take the online exam. Click VIEW below, and then select the OVERVIEW and CONTENTS tabs to get started.
The Self-Guided Study Resources for Certification Exam Prep section contains general resources, including information to help you prepare for the Student Affairs Educator Certification Exam, with a focus on the experience of taking an online exam with a remote proctor. Click the CONTENTS tab to get started with an exam study guide, learn about the testing experience, and access seminal student affairs documents that will provide a key foundation for your exam preparation.
Click BACK TO PACKAGE to return to the home page, where you can continue your preparation process by diving deeper into self-guided study resources for each of the eight domains of Student Affairs Educator Certification:
Foundations of the Profession
Student Learning, Development, and Success
Assessment and Evaluation
Social Justice and Inclusion
Talent management
Crisis and Risk Management
Financial and Facility Management---
These categories form the basis of the exam questions, and becoming familiar with each one will be an important part of your preparation process.
About Student Affairs Educator Certification
The Certified Student Affairs Educator (CSAEd) is the core certification credential and intended for mid-level student affairs educators and above. The CSAEd designation signifies continuous learning, knowledge, and competency in the eight Student Affairs Educator Certification Domains. This credential is for eligible student affairs educators regardless of functional area or institution type. The CSAEd credential is a foundation and required prerequisite for all specialty area credentials. Development was led by NASPA in partnership with Certification Consortium member association subject matter experts.
This self-guided exam preparation resource is designed to help you prepare for the Student Affairs Educator Certification Exam and earn the CSAEd credential. After passing the exam, you may elect to pursue an additional specialty credential in Campus Activities, Campus Housing and Residential Life, Campus Recreation, College Unions, Fraternity and Sorority Life, or Student Conduct Administration. Note that every certification requires ongoing continuing education in order to main your credential - however, you only have to take the exam once.
Contains 2 Component(s)
Learn more about the Student Affairs Educator Certification and participate in a high-level overview about how to prepare for the online exam. A panel of student affairs professionals who have taken and passed the exam answer questions and walk you through their preparation and exam experience. Access the webinar recording, slides, and additional resources within this section.
Learn more about the Student Affairs Educator Certification and participate in a high-level overview about how to prepare for the online exam. A panel of student affairs professionals who have taken and passed the exam answer questions and walk you through their preparation and exam experience. Access the webinar recording, slides, and additional resources within this section.
Joseph DeSanto Jones
Executive Director
Higher Education Consortium for Student Affairs Certification
Joey (he/him/his) serves as the inaugural executive director of the Consortium and leads its efforts to promote and advance the field through Student Affairs Educator Certification. This new certification program recognizes student affairs educators who demonstrate competency in established domains, commit to ongoing learning and professional development, and comply with the code of ethics.
Joey has also held numerous professional roles with NASPA including founding director of NASPA Advisory Services, assistant vice president for organization development, directing professional development programs, and managing volunteer engagement efforts. Over the course of his 20-year career, he has led or participated in approximately 50 external reviews of student affairs divisions, programs, and services at public and private colleges and universities of various sizes in the United States and Canada.
He holds an M.Ed. in College Student Personnel and a B.A. in Communication Studies from the University of Maryland, College Park.
Dr. Justin M. Sipes, CSAEd, CSAEd-FSL
Director, Center for Community-Based Learning
University of North Florida
Dr. Justin Sipes directs the Center for Community-Based Learning at the University of North Florida (UNF). In this role, he collaborates throughout the institution to enhance the breadth and depth of community engagement activities, monitors progress on community engagement efforts, and prepares the campus for its Carnegie Elective Community Engagement Classification process; a distinction it received in 2010 and 2020. Justin earned his doctorate from UNF in Educational Leadership with a focus on higher education. His dissertation was on the pre-college expectations of first-generation college students. He has almost two decades of experience in higher education in both academic and student affairs (community engagement, faculty development, fraternity & sorority life, student organizations, housing and residence life, and leadership programs). The majority of his professional work is in public higher education, particularly at regional comprehensive institutions. Professionally, Justin is involved with NASPA as an inaugural member of the Mid-Level Administrator Steering Committee, a conference presenter and conference program reviewer (Region III and Annual Conference), and Excellence Awards reviewer. In addition, Justin is the assessment chair for the Gulf-South Summit annual conference and institutional liaison for the IARSLCE Alliance. He is also a trained consultant with the American Council on Education for the Carnegie Elective Classification for Community Engagement.
Brooke Lecky Supple, Ph.D.
NASPA & Founder of BELS Consulting
Brooke Lecky Supple, Ph.D. is a higher education consultant with extensive experience in Student Affairs and higher education leadership with significant roles and experience in program development, major event creation and execution, student leadership development, communication efforts, search processes and functions, development and fundraising, alumni engagement, volunteer engagement, and organizational leadership.
Prior to launching her own consulting business in 2022, Brooke served as the Assistant Vice President and Chief of Staff for the Vice President for Student Affairs at the University of Maryland for over 25 years. In this capacity, she assisted the Vice President with planning, staffing and policy issues and served on the senior leadership team for the Division of Student Affairs. Brooke obtained her B.A. from the University of Virginia, her M.Ed. from Vanderbilt University and her Ph.D. in Education Policy and Administration from the University of Maryland.
Contains 2 Component(s)
Join members of the Student Affairs Educator Certification NASPA Advisory Group for a high-level overview of the eight Student Affairs Educator Certification Domains, which form the basis of the Student Affairs Educator Certification Exam. A panel of student affairs professionals who have taken and passed the exam answer questions and walk you through their preparation and exam experience. Access the webinar recording and slides within this section.
Join members of the Student Affairs Educator Certification NASPA Advisory Group for a high-level overview of the eight Student Affairs Educator Certification Domains, which form the basis of the Student Affairs Educator Certification Exam. A panel of student affairs professionals who have taken and passed the exam answer questions and walk you through their preparation and exam experience. Access the webinar recording and slides within this section.
Panelists for Q&A:
- Sasha Masoomi, Assistant Director of Residence Life, Miami University
- Matthew Richardson, Director, Center for Fraternal Values and Leadership & Project 168, West Virginia University
- Lacey Quadrelli, Sr Academic Advisor II, Oklahoma State University
Joseph DeSanto Jones
Executive Director
Higher Education Consortium for Student Affairs Certification
Joey (he/him/his) serves as the inaugural executive director of the Consortium and leads its efforts to promote and advance the field through Student Affairs Educator Certification. This new certification program recognizes student affairs educators who demonstrate competency in established domains, commit to ongoing learning and professional development, and comply with the code of ethics.
Joey has also held numerous professional roles with NASPA including founding director of NASPA Advisory Services, assistant vice president for organization development, directing professional development programs, and managing volunteer engagement efforts. Over the course of his 20-year career, he has led or participated in approximately 50 external reviews of student affairs divisions, programs, and services at public and private colleges and universities of various sizes in the United States and Canada.
He holds an M.Ed. in College Student Personnel and a B.A. in Communication Studies from the University of Maryland, College Park.
Dr. Justin M. Sipes, CSAEd, CSAEd-FSL
Director, Center for Community-Based Learning
University of North Florida
Dr. Justin Sipes directs the Center for Community-Based Learning at the University of North Florida (UNF). In this role, he collaborates throughout the institution to enhance the breadth and depth of community engagement activities, monitors progress on community engagement efforts, and prepares the campus for its Carnegie Elective Community Engagement Classification process; a distinction it received in 2010 and 2020. Justin earned his doctorate from UNF in Educational Leadership with a focus on higher education. His dissertation was on the pre-college expectations of first-generation college students. He has almost two decades of experience in higher education in both academic and student affairs (community engagement, faculty development, fraternity & sorority life, student organizations, housing and residence life, and leadership programs). The majority of his professional work is in public higher education, particularly at regional comprehensive institutions. Professionally, Justin is involved with NASPA as an inaugural member of the Mid-Level Administrator Steering Committee, a conference presenter and conference program reviewer (Region III and Annual Conference), and Excellence Awards reviewer. In addition, Justin is the assessment chair for the Gulf-South Summit annual conference and institutional liaison for the IARSLCE Alliance. He is also a trained consultant with the American Council on Education for the Carnegie Elective Classification for Community Engagement.
Brooke Lecky Supple, Ph.D.
NASPA & Founder of BELS Consulting
Brooke Lecky Supple, Ph.D. is a higher education consultant with extensive experience in Student Affairs and higher education leadership with significant roles and experience in program development, major event creation and execution, student leadership development, communication efforts, search processes and functions, development and fundraising, alumni engagement, volunteer engagement, and organizational leadership.
Prior to launching her own consulting business in 2022, Brooke served as the Assistant Vice President and Chief of Staff for the Vice President for Student Affairs at the University of Maryland for over 25 years. In this capacity, she assisted the Vice President with planning, staffing and policy issues and served on the senior leadership team for the Division of Student Affairs. Brooke obtained her B.A. from the University of Virginia, her M.Ed. from Vanderbilt University and her Ph.D. in Education Policy and Administration from the University of Maryland.
Jasmine Jennings-Rentz
Assistant Director for Leadership & Experiential Learning
Texas Christian University
Jasmine Jennings-Rentz is the Associate Director for Leadership & Service at Texas State University. Jasmine attended Bowling Green State University for her undergraduate degree and attended Mississippi State University for her graduate degree. Originally from Detroit, MI, Jasmine has worked at different schools in the South and Midwest such as Ball State University, Baylor University, and Southern Methodist University. Jasmine’s work portfolio includes positions in Housing & Residence Life, Academic Affairs, and Leadership & Service.
Dr. Helen Mulhern Halasz, CSAEd
Director, Student Affairs Research and Strategic Initiatives
University of North Carolina Greensboro
Helen Mulhern Halasz (she/her) serves as Director of Research and Strategic Initiatives for the Division of Student Affairs at UNC Greensboro. She also had roles in student affairs assessment at East Carolina University (NC) and the University of South Carolina Columbia. Her focus is on fostering a culture of evidence and building assessment confidence and capacity among department assessment leaders related to professional competency areas.
Helen previously served in academic and student support roles at large universities and small colleges in academic advising, dean of students, fraternity/sorority life, residence life, student conduct, study abroad, and as acting VP of student affairs. She was recognized with university and national research awards for her dissertation research on advising students in academic transition leaving selective academic programs. Helen is an alum of Davidson College and earned a master’s degree and PhD at the University of South Carolina. She earned Student Affairs Educator Certification in January 2024.
Contains 2 Component(s)
Join members of the Student Affairs Educator Certification NASPA Advisory Group for an in-depth review of the Crisis and Risk Management and Financial and Facility Management domains. The presenters will share information and key resources for these domains, followed by a Q&A with individuals who have taken and passed the exam. Access the webinar recording, slides, and additional resources within this section.
Join members of the Student Affairs Educator Certification NASPA Advisory Group for an in-depth review of the Crisis and Risk Management and Financial and Facility Management domains. The presenters will share information and key resources for these domains, followed by a Q&A with individuals who have taken and passed the exam. Access the webinar recording, slides, and additional resources within this section.
Panelists for Q&A:
- Max Miller, Assistant Athletic Director for Recreation, Wellness, & Physical Education, Swarthmore College
- Kari Murphy, Assistant Dean of Sorority and Fraternity Life, Illinois State University
- Ana Hernandez, Associate Vice President, Housing & Residential Education, University of South Florida
Benjamin Williams, CSAEd
Associate Dean of Students
Trinity University
Ben Williams (He/Him) CSAed is the Associate Dean of Students at Trinity University. In his role he co-chairs the Student Success Team, oversees the student engagement areas on campus, advises Student Government Association, and is the Deputy Title IX Coordinator. Prior to this role, he served in student affairs roles at Miami University, Georgia State University, Georgia Tech, and the University of Colorado Boulder. In addition to his professional role, he also serves in a leadership role with the NASPA Foundation and the Mid-level Administrator Committee. He is currently completing his doctoral dissertation study focused on campus ecology and a sense of belonging for LGBTQ+ collegians.
David Grady, Ph.D.
Area Coordinator for Admissions
Troy University
David Grady has led large, complex student-centered organizations on campuses of public research and regional comprehensive universities. He has served as the interim Vice President for Student Life at the University of Northern Iowa, the Vice President for Student Life at The University of Alabama, and in various student affairs leadership positions over 23 years at The University of Iowa, last as Associate Vice President and Dean of Students. He is a NAPSA Senior Fellow and serves as an Area Coordinator in Admissions at Troy University.
David earned a BBA in Banking and Finance from Mississippi State University, an EdM from Harvard University, and a PhD in higher education administration from The University of Texas at Austin.
Brooke Lecky Supple, Ph.D.
NASPA & Founder of BELS Consulting
Brooke Lecky Supple, Ph.D. is a higher education consultant with extensive experience in Student Affairs and higher education leadership with significant roles and experience in program development, major event creation and execution, student leadership development, communication efforts, search processes and functions, development and fundraising, alumni engagement, volunteer engagement, and organizational leadership.
Prior to launching her own consulting business in 2022, Brooke served as the Assistant Vice President and Chief of Staff for the Vice President for Student Affairs at the University of Maryland for over 25 years. In this capacity, she assisted the Vice President with planning, staffing and policy issues and served on the senior leadership team for the Division of Student Affairs. Brooke obtained her B.A. from the University of Virginia, her M.Ed. from Vanderbilt University and her Ph.D. in Education Policy and Administration from the University of Maryland.
Contains 2 Component(s)
Join members of the Student Affairs Educator Certification NASPA Advisory Group for an in-depth review of the Assessment and Evaluation and Social Justice and Inclusion domains. The presenters will share information and key resources for these domains, followed by a Q&A with individuals who have taken and passed the exam. Access the webinar recording, slides, and additional resources within this section.
Join members of the Student Affairs Educator Certification NASPA Advisory Group for an in-depth review of the Assessment and Evaluation and Social Justice and Inclusion domains. The presenters will share information and key resources for these domains, followed by a Q&A with individuals who have taken and passed the exam. Access the webinar recording, slides, and additional resources within this section.
Panelists for Q&A:
- Ashley Metzger, Director for Fraternity and Sorority Life, Denison University
- Bill Harcleroad, Director of Campus Activities and Leadership, SUNY Oneonta
- Gail Sutton, Director, Student Life, Georgia State University
Helen Mulhern Halasz, Ph.D.
Assistant Director, Student Affairs Assessment, Research, & Planning
East Carolina University
Helen Mulhern Halasz (she/her) is assistant director of student affairs assessment, research, and planning at East Carolina University. Helen previously served in academic and student support roles for undergraduate and graduate students at five large universities and three small colleges in academic advising, fraternity/sorority life, residence life, student conduct, study abroad, associate dean of students, and acting VP of student affairs. She is an alumna of Davidson College and earned a master’s degree and PhD at the University of South Carolina. Helen earned university and national research awards for her dissertation research on advising students in academic transition leaving selective academic programs. During the last six years, Helen’s focus has been on fostering a culture of evidence and building assessment confidence and capacity among department assessment leaders. She enjoys writing about and developing engaging learning experiences for student affairs educators related to professional competency areas.
Benjamin Williams
Assistant Dean of Students
Miami University
Benjamin M. Williams is the Assistant Dean of Students at Miami University where he oversees restorative practices in conduct and Title IX cases, outreach for the Office of the Dean of Students, and manages Campus Climate Concerns, and supports students in crisis. Prior to this role, he has worked in higher education for ten years and most recently served as a Development Officer and the Director of Student Orientation & Family Engagement at Georgia State University. He completed his Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Georgia State University, his Master of Science in Student Affairs in Higher Education at Miami University, and is completing his Ph.D. in Education Policy Studies at Georgia State University studying sense of belonging and campus ecology.
Outside of his professional work, he volunteers with a variety of organizations included NASPA as a memberFoundation Board of Directors and the Co-Chair of the Mid-Level Administrator Steering Committee, Board of Directors for Equality Ohio, and on the Board of Visitors for the College of Arts & Sciences at Georgia State University.
Brooke Lecky Supple, Ph.D.
NASPA & Founder of BELS Consulting
Brooke Lecky Supple, Ph.D. is a higher education consultant with extensive experience in Student Affairs and higher education leadership with significant roles and experience in program development, major event creation and execution, student leadership development, communication efforts, search processes and functions, development and fundraising, alumni engagement, volunteer engagement, and organizational leadership.
Prior to launching her own consulting business in 2022, Brooke served as the Assistant Vice President and Chief of Staff for the Vice President for Student Affairs at the University of Maryland for over 25 years. In this capacity, she assisted the Vice President with planning, staffing and policy issues and served on the senior leadership team for the Division of Student Affairs. Brooke obtained her B.A. from the University of Virginia, her M.Ed. from Vanderbilt University and her Ph.D. in Education Policy and Administration from the University of Maryland.
Contains 2 Component(s)
Join members of the Student Affairs Educator Certification NASPA Advisory Group for an in-depth review of the Leadership and Talent Management domains. The presenters will share information and key resources for these domains, followed by a Q&A with individuals who have taken and passed the exam. Access the webinar recording, slides, and additional resources within this section.
Join members of the Student Affairs Educator Certification NASPA Advisory Group for an in-depth review of the Leadership and Talent Management domains. The presenters will share information and key resources for these domains, followed by a Q&A with individuals who have taken and passed the exam. Access the webinar recording, slides, and additional resources within this section.
Panelists for Q&A:
- Jordan Fischette, Senior Assistant Director, Fraternity & Sorority Life, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- Dan Fergueson, Senior Director of Student Life and Wellness, Green River College
- Patrick Killilee, Director of Residential Services, University of Pennsylvania
Jasmine Jennings-Rentz
Assistant Director for Leadership & Experiential Learning
Texas Christian University
Jasmine Jennings-Rentz was born and raised in Detroit, MI. She went to Bowling Green State University and Mississippi State University for undergraduate and graduate school. Jasmine has worked in Housing & Residence Life and academic affairs at Ball State University, Baylor University, and Southern Methodist University. She currently works in Leadership & Student Involvement at Texas Christian University.
Brian Regan
Associate Director, Residential Education
Boston College
Brian Regan, CSAEd-HRL, is the Associate Director of Residential Education at Boston College in Chestnut Hill, MA, providing leadership for a 7,800 bed housing and residential life operation. Brian’s career has been spent in Residential Life and Housing at private, Catholic institutions and includes significant experience in professional recruitment, training, and supervision, as well as crisis intervention and conduct management. Brian enjoys bringing together and collaborating with faculty and administrative units in service of institutional and student outcomes. Brian maintains involvement in NASPA, ACUHO-I, and JASPA and earned his core and Campus Housing and Residential Life certifications in January of 2023
Brooke Lecky Supple, Ph.D.
NASPA & Founder of BELS Consulting
Brooke Lecky Supple, Ph.D. is a higher education consultant with extensive experience in Student Affairs and higher education leadership with significant roles and experience in program development, major event creation and execution, student leadership development, communication efforts, search processes and functions, development and fundraising, alumni engagement, volunteer engagement, and organizational leadership.
Prior to launching her own consulting business in 2022, Brooke served as the Assistant Vice President and Chief of Staff for the Vice President for Student Affairs at the University of Maryland for over 25 years. In this capacity, she assisted the Vice President with planning, staffing and policy issues and served on the senior leadership team for the Division of Student Affairs. Brooke obtained her B.A. from the University of Virginia, her M.Ed. from Vanderbilt University and her Ph.D. in Education Policy and Administration from the University of Maryland.